Ok, they are all very similar pictures but he is really quite (yes I am biased). Check out the jowls he has on the last picture.
Here is Patrick at 10 months
Here I am, 10 months old and happy as a lark, unless tired.
I still have no teeth but can gnaw just about any food. In fact, don't give me pureed food, I won't eat it. I like chunks and I shake my head when I don't want to eat anymore. I love all kinds of stuff, fish, cheerios, toast, cheese and pears. I especially love all things sweet, such as the yummy scones and cookies Maman gives me.
I am still not walking but now crawl with one leg half standing and am going up and down stairs non stop. I don't think I need any supervision with the stairs but adults think I do. I even know to turn around to go backwards down the stairs without being told. I am of course talking (babbling) a lot and especially love to squeal in delight when Patrick plays with me or Louie lets me throw him the ball.