On December 5 we went to an amusement park south of Boston. The main theme was trains which delighted Patrick (and explains the train engineer hat in the previous slide show). We also got to see Santa. Amazingly, a good picture came out of the visit. At the very least I was expecting tears from Alexander; but it was Patrick who had a hard time looking at the camera as he was very intent on talking to Santa Claus.
Now that Alexander has discovered the joy of moving around it is hard to get him to sit still for pictures. Here is the best of the bunch (the others are in the slide show below)
Here is Patrick at 8 months: Now that Alexander can crawl and stand, sitting is just not an option. So... here is a standing one taken on December 9.
"I can now officially crawl without falling on my belly everytime I move forward. I am know working on getting up the step from the sunroom to the living room. Once I make it I can really play with Patrick and his toys*. I can also sit up pretty well and am learning to eat fruits and vegetables. Soon enough I will be walking a talking!" *As you can imagine, Patrick is less excited about this development. Today he said he was mad at Alexander for taking one of his toys. The fun art of negotiation begins....
Here is Patrick at 7 months.
Dinan visited this weekend. Patrick is always so excited when he is told she is coming. We had a nice time and Alexander liked it too.
We were blessed with a little pumpkin and a big boy fireman on Halloween night.
The little pumpkin helped me give out candy for a while, during which he also played in his exersaucer.
While the firemen enjoyed trick-or-treat with Papa, Dinan and a friend. (Notice his handy dandy water bottle spray to help put out fires!)
Here are some other pictures of our beautiful boys having fun on a lazy weekend morning. (taken Oct. 26)
Patrick is truly sweet with his brother and here he is giving Alexander a kiss. That profile cracks me up. He is actually watching Patrick dance. see below.
Patrick is quite the dancer. He likes to organize dance recitals (there must always be two dancers minimum) and dance lessons. Here he is with his special moves.
Now I can turn over and back no problem so the next challenge is moving around. I can kind of do the inchworm by pushing around with my legs and belly. I can definitely roll though, and that does get me places. I am getting chubbier and apparently have quite the great smile!
I try to sit on my own now but flip/flop a little. The bumbo definitely helps. I learned how to turn over and now need to figure out how to get back over when I am tired of being on my stomach! My brothers are still my favorite to watch. Patrick makes me laugh and Louie and Gatsby make me smile.
Here are pictures from the rest of our stay at Skillibush. We had more visitors, including Mimi and her crew and Loren and hers. We finished off the holiday with the Prices arriving and having a blast with all of them.
Life is getting much more fun. I can now "talk". I love to hear my voice so I tend to scream out a lot (mostly with joy). I can almost turn over too, however my arm gets in the way so the last bit of the turn is quite difficult. What makes me smile the most is watching Patrick. He loves to make me laugh by making silly faces or imitating my cooing.
We have been here for just over 2 weeks and time has flown by. The weather has been spectacular and our first day of forecasted rain turned out to simply be an overcast one. Patrick is like a kid in a candy store. When we first arrived he went into the house and promptly ran out exclaiming "Mommy, they have drums!". Aside from the drums, and the piano and the microphone he has become an avid swimmer, has played some baseball-tennis (how to teach a child who likes to bat, not to bat the tennis ball with the racket?), is trying to play ping pong despite being too short for the table, enjoys fishing (with a cute kid size fishing rod with which he catches "buoy fish") and frequently asks to go on boat rides. The best quotes so far by Patrick are: "goal in one" - when a goal was scored with the soccer ball, the sign of a true golfer! "I will swim in the deep water" - when making a wish before blowing out Grampa's candles "We are adorable, get the camera to take a picture" - said to Rebecca when he cuddled with Alexander Alexander is changing too. He now loves to chirp a lot while laying on his back. He also can grasp his toys. He especially seems to enjoy looking at his image in the mirror. I wonder if he is thinking "what a handsome devil" or "hey, a friend for me to play with".