Friday, May 30, 2008

Summer is here

We had a wonderful Memorial Day weekend as we visited many different friends.

On Saturday we saw Jane and Jim in JP and happened upon a kite festival. Patrick got to show off his skill at being pushed around on the tricycle Jim and Jane gave him for his birthday as well as learn how to wear sunglasses.

On Sunday we visited Art and Joe. The trip down went very well, a set of keys was all that was needed to keep Patrick happy. It was harder keeping Louie calm and happy! Art and Joe have 5 dogs so needless to say that with the addition or our dogs it was crazy! However, Patrick just loved the whole thing, watching all the running around and testing out their crates. He has also gotten quite good at throwing the ball for any dog who requests it. Probably the highlight for him was the Ice Cream Shoppe that they own. As was predicted, he loves ice cream and was happy to rearrange the candy in the bins.

On Monday we visited Grammy and Grampa for a cookout and saw all the cousins and great grandparents. We tried to enjoy the sprinkler (it was quite hot) but Patrick did not enjoy getting water on his head.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

We miss you Papa

Dan is in Asia for a week. We wanted to let him know how much we miss him.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Busy week(end)

Both Papi and Ma Maman (Patrick's Parisian grandparents) came into town for Patrick's Christening on April 27.

A satisfied customer!

A perfect pair